Wednesday, March 19, 2008

o.k o.k o.k.........

today MSSKL third day...... ai yoyo shit la let ppl say i like that girl no no no way man how can i like her?? i already have CYQ in my heart oh no oh no.......... kkkk medal time....... wtf i go at 7 the medal i got is at 2.00p.m ++ wat la.... ai yoyo........

lolx the medal is gold for sure........ after MSSKL rushed to skul to have a bola baling match with MTD........ they darm rough........ la ai yoo i hurt like shit and darm tired like the whold game is my and edwin playing oni but at the time that we need player they got help us out also ........ thanks to saujana bola baling team............

o.k tuition time........ gtg anything i'll refer to my c-box

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