Monday, July 29, 2013

Chase the Beast~


Da Minions, nowadays a lot people crazy about minions

But WHY?~

Half a year had been pasted , but what i had improve in life is nothing, staying the same old me is just not as happening as before~

So hope to get along side with my study life, when will I get back to study life and do whatever shit after class. it sound just so freaking awesome.

Damn mind stop thinking moving forward.

Saturday night (27/6/2013) had not been that awesome, but the best thing is I found what is the greatness.
-I had met new friends (she's a girl whulalala~)
-I found whats best (Idart)
-& I found her, today is the second official day that i know her, but still i can't manage to get her number to continue to talk to her.

I hope this would be the right one. Working on my best to get along with her ^^

Be confident enough to step forward.

I love life ^^

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